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2 mars 2020
NIR-II imaging at the LIOPA platform
In vivo NIR-II fluorescence at the LIOPA, Paris: the advantage of longer wavelengths for in vivo small animal optical imaging
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11 févr. 2020
Survey: development of imaging Agents for fluorescence Image guided surgery
Answer this 5-question survey and get an idea of how other researchers design their own molecules!
89 vues

24 janv. 2020
Réseau Entreprendre Laureate
Kaer Labs selected by Réseau Entreprendre Atlantique for a 2-year mentorship with a highly experienced leader
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19 déc. 2019
New publication: bimodal PET/Fluo agent targeting pancreatic cancer in preclinical model
Publication in Journal of Medicianl Chemistry: development of a bimodal PET/Fluo agent targeting PDAC pancreatic tumors using the KIS
105 vues

16 sept. 2019
Kaer Labs selected in Novapuls Promo #3!
Kaer Labs is proud to join the startups WeData, Ives, Launchr, Robank Hood, My Bacchus and Teodym for the third edition of its venture...
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1 juil. 2019
ANR DualmAb
The project DualmAb has been selected by the Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) and will be funded from 2020.
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18 juin 2019
NETVA Program
Kaer Labs is proud to belong to the list of Deep Tech startups selected for the New Technology Venture Accelerator program managed by the...
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26 mars 2019
Special Mention of the Jury for Kaer Labs at Forum Labo
Kaer Labs has received a Special Mention of the Jury at the occasion of the annual conference Forum Labo in Paris. The company is...
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1 nov. 2018
Kaer Labs supported by Atlanpole
At the occasion of its official inception, Kaer Labs is glad to thank Atlanpole for its support and guidance. Atlanpole has supported the...
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